Prof. Dr. Dr. Sc. Dilyana Boteva (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) is a Professor in ancient history and Thracian studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, whose research covers a wide range of problems of the history and culture of ancient Thrace. For already over 30 years she has been studying the Roman provincial coinage as one of the most significant sources for the history of ancient Thrace within the Roman Empire. Because of this, she pays close attention to the authenticity of the coins; however, she also advocates that the overly scholarly precaution should not deprive the historical environment of originals.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Sc. Ilya Prokopov (South-Western University Blagoevgrad) is a Professor in the field of ancient numismatics, coin circulation in the Bulgarian lands, the history of money, exchange and trade relations in Antiquity, counterfeiting of ancient coins and the analysis of coin metals and stamps. He published a number of coin finds from the Bulgarian lands, as well as numismatic collections of Bulgarian museums. He teaches numismatics, expertise and evaluation of cultural values at SWU “Neofit Rilski” and at UniBIT in Sofia. He is the director of the Laboratory for Expertise and Evaluation of Archaeological and Numismatic Values at SWU “Neofit Rilski” in Blagoevgrad.
Dr. Ulrike Peter (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities) is a scholar of ancient history, working at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Her research agenda includes ancient coinage and the monetary history of Thrace and its neighbouring regions, as well as the reception of ancient coins in the Renaissance. Together with the Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Big Data Lab of the University of Frankfurt, and the TELOTA working group of the Berlin Academy, she is a founder of the web portal Corpus Nummorum and works extensively on iconographic authority data. She is a member of the steering committee of Nomisma.org
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weisser (Coin Cabinet Berlin, Numism. Kommission BRD, Int. Numismatic Council) wrote his PhD about the Greek Imperials of Pergamum. He is the curator of ancient coins and the director in the Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Since 2004 he is responsible for the digital publication of the collection of the Münzkabinett in the database IKMK. In CN he also is responsible for Mysia.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhenya Zhekova (Regional History Museum Shumen) is the Keeper of Coins and Seals Collections at the Regional Museum of History – Shumen since 1996. The Shumen collection of seals took over the lead in the country – almost 1000 specimens. Associate Professor in Numismatics and in Byzantine and Bulgarian Sigillography of the University of Shumen. She is a member of the Scientific Council at the Center for Byzantine Studies of the University of Shumen. She is a curator of the permanent exposition of Coins and Seals, displayed at the Regional Historical Museum of Shumen.
Hadrien Rambach is a French citizen, who has specialised in Antiquity and ancient art, particularly in coins and gemstones. In 2003 he moved to Kensington, London, and pursue a career dealing with the objects that interest him most. He started his own business in 2006. Since then he has acted as a private advisor to several important collectors of ancient coins, medals and antiquarian books, but he is also very interested in glyptic from the Ancient through the Renaissance to the Neo-Classical period. Acting as an intermediary for clients at major sales of Works of Art, he also conducts active research and has published a number of essays in academic journals and has taken part in various academic conferences. In 2015 he moved to Brussels, Belgium.
Dr. Sergei Kovalenko (The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow) graduated from the Archaeology Department, Historical Faculty, Moscow State University (1984). PhD dissertation ‘Ancient relief pottery in the Northern Black Sea littoral” (1989). Since 1988 has been working in the Coins&Medals Department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts as a curator of Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins. Keeper (2017). Ordinary fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society (Great Britain). Research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2000–2002).
Claus Franke completed his studies in History and Political Science in Hannover. Subsequently, he was employed by Heise Zeitschriften Verlag as a Concept Developer and also worked as a freelance concept and web developer. Since 2013, he has served as a concept and web developer at Leibniz University Hannover for both the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities. Since 2020, he has been engaged at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, where, among other roles, he holds the position of technical supervisor for the Corpus Nummorum project.
Mark Naber has a background in Information Technology, with a degree in Applied Computing & Business. He has been interested in Numismatics for more than forty years. Promoting the use of Technology to identify counterfeiting, in 2004 he sought to bring about a public resource. Based out of New Zealand and Australia, he released the online public resource forgerynetwork.com (http://www.forgerynetwork.com). This gave collectors a resource to search, share and highlight the number of fake coins populating low end online public auction sites. With the ability to recognise cast counterfeits and match details, the database become the largest public online resource. This followed with details of published counterfeits from the IBSCC and ANA being added.
Christian Stoess (Coin Cabinet Berlin, Numism. Kommission BRD, Int. Numismatic Council) is a curator of medieval coins at the coin cabinet of the Berlin State Museums. He is preparing an exhibition on “Coins and Crime (2024)”.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Grigorova-Gencheva (Fibank) is an expert in the field of Roman provincial coinage, coin circulation in the Bulgarian lands, the history of money, exchange and trade relations in Antiquity, iconography and cults in Roman times. She teaches the history of finance and investment in precious metals at VUZF University and “Cultural Heritage: Market and Investment” at Sofia University. Founder and director of the Gold and Numismatics Directorate at Fibank.
PD Dr. habil. Vladimir Stolba (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities) studied ancient history and classical archaeology at St Petersburg University. He earned his PhD from the Russian Academy of Sciences and his Dr.phil. (Habilitation) from Aarhus University. His main fields of research have been monetary history and finances of the Greco-Roman world, landscape and settlement archaeology, ancient economy and agriculture, multicultural encounters and burial rites, as well as environmental archaeology and paleoclimate. Currently, he is working on the Greek and Roman Provincial coinage of the Troas and surrounding regions. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7362-8646
Prof. Dr. François de Callataÿ (Royal Library of Brussels, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes [Paris], and Université Libre de Bruxelles) is first of all a specialist of Greek coinages and reception studies (16-18 c.). A member of many academies and laureates of many prizes, he is also a doctor honoris causa of Sofia University. In the 1990s, he built a photo file of some 2,500 recognized Greek coin forgeries; recently he has transmitted it to the project.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julia Tzvetkova (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) is an Associate Professor in ancient history and Thracian studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Her research focuses on Thracian history, politics and culture (2nd – 1st millennium BC), the interactions with other classical Greek and Roman communities, Thracian places of worship, historical geography of ancient Thrace, GIS applications in history and archaeology, Greek and Thracian numismatics.
Dr. Jonas Emmanuel Flueck (Auction House Lugdunum, Switzerland) earned his PhD in ancient history & Archaeology from the University of Lyons (France). With his auction house Lugdunum GmbH, located in Solothurn, Switzerland, he is active as a professional numismatist organizing international coins & medals auctions. He is also a specialist of provenance research for ancient coins with its ex-numis.com service that uses new technologies of Digital Image Recognition to rediscover lost provenances for Roman, Greek, Byzantine and Celtic coins.
PD Dr. Bartosz Awianowicz is a professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. He earned his PhD and Habilitation in literary studies, however, his research focuses non only on ancient rhetoric and its reception in 16th-18th centuries, but also on ancient (especially Roman imperial and provincial) coinage and numismatics in the early modern period. He is also a Vice President of the Polish Numismatic Society and an ancient coin collector with 20 years of experience.
Dr. Mariana Minkova (Regional History Museum Stara Zagora) works at the Regional Museum of History in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, as a Head of the Numismatics Department. Keeper of the ancient and medieval collection since 1987. The topics she focuses on are mainly related to the ancient and medieval coins, coin hoards and coin circulation on the territory of Augusta Trayana /Beroe as well as to Protobulgarian epigraphy. Expert on cultural-historical artefacts.
Almoatzbellah Elshahawi works at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo – Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, as a metal conservator since 2011. He is a PhD candidate in conservation at Cairo University, specializing in ancient Egyptian works on metals and coins, and received a Master’s degree in Metal Conservation, Cairo University (2017). The topics he focuses on are mainly related to the production techniques, conservation, and authenticity of ancient coinage.
Dr. Alexander Portalsky (South-West University “Neofit Rilski”) graduated in 1995 from Sofia University with a specialization in Ancient History, Palaeo-Balkan Studies and Thracology, a second major in journalism; in 2022 he graduated with a second MA program – “Numismatics. Expertise and evaluation of cultural and historical values” focusing on the early coinage in Asia Minor and Thrace, as well as on its significance for economic exchange. Specializations: Greek Language and Culture at the University of Athens in 1999 and Mycenology at the University of Paris Lodron in Salzburg in 2003 through OeAD.
Mariana Slavova (Regional History Museum Haskovo) is an ancient historian and numismatist. She is the keeper of the numismatic collection of RHM Haskovo. Currently, she is also a PhD Candidate in South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Law and History, PhD Program “Archaeology, incl. Numismatics and Epigraphy (Numismatics)”, under the scientific advisory of Prof. Dr. Dr. Sc. Ilya Prokopov. Her research topic is “Coin Types and coin circulation in the middle Maritsa River region, in the period 2-1 century BC” (Монетни типове и монетно обращение по средното течение на р. Марица през 2-1 в. пр. Хр.)
Dr. Angela Berthold (Coin Cabinet, Bode Museum, Berlin) is a Berlin based numismatic researcher working at the Münzkabinett Berlin within the Corpus Nummorum team. She focuses on Thracian coinage and is especially interested in the Greek period and iconography here.
Marina Doytschinova (Regional History Museum Sofia) is the chief curator and numismatist in the Department of Archaeology and Numismatics at RHM Sofia. Her research is focused on ancient Thracian, Greek and especially Roman numismatics. She is a PhD student at SWU, Department of History, with a topic dedicated to the distribution of coins and coin treasures in Southwestern Thrace (1st – 3rd century). Her other interests are related to the analysis of the metal composition of ancient coins, modern counterfeits, web technologies applied in numismatics, museums and the database.
Dr. Nina Hadzhieva (Regional History Museum Blagoevgrad) received a PhD in the program “Archaeology incl. Epigraphy and Numismatics” in SWU and a numismatist at RHM-Blagoevgrad. Her research interests are focused on the coin circulation in Southwestern Thrace 6th – 4th century BC, registration, analysis and processing of single and collective coin finds from the valley of Sredna Mesta and Western Rhodopes with fixed GPS coordinates, performing elemental analysis for the composition of coins (authentic and counterfeit), blanks and melts and the integration of information into a database.
Dr. Svetoslava Filipova (Regional History Museum Kyustendil) is an archaeologist and curator of the numismatic collection of the Regional Museum of History. Her research interests lay in the area of Roman provincial and late imperial coinage.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jean Hourmouziadis studied and worked as an engineer. At the same time, he has been interested in coins and their potential for knowledge for many years. He is involved in the Experimental Numismatics working group of the Numismatic Commission of the Federal Republic of Germany and has published a number of scientific articles on ancient Greek coinage.
David G. Wigg-Wolf is a senior researcher at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. His research interests include the production, circulation and use of coinage in Western and Central Europe from the late pre-Roman Iron Age to the early Medieval period, and digital numismatics. He is a member of the steering committee of nomisma.org, co-chair of the DARIAH-EU Digital Numismatics Working Group, and convenor of the European Coin Find Network (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8604-544X).
Dr hab. Kyrylo Myzgin is a Karazin’s National University graduate in Kharkiv, Ukraine. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. His area of interest includes ancient coin finds in Eastern Europe and the archaeology of the Late Roman period in this region. He is an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow, a Wolfson College Fellow, University of Oxford and a Dumbarton Oaks Fellow, Harvard University.
Jan Köster (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, TELOTA) studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Classical Philology in Halle. From 2016 to 2019 he worked as a Research Assistant for IT at the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological Institute. Since 2020 he is working at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He is a technical supervisor for Corpus Nummorum.
Arne Kirsch (Zurich, Switzerland, and Frankfurt a. M., Germany) is a numismatist, cataloguer and auctioneer. He was long time secretary of the Bureau of Suppression of Counterfeits Coins (IBSCC) of the International Association of Professional Numismatist (IAPN), later president of IAPN and now honorary president and still working for the IBSCCC Committee. In Germany, he is a sworn expert in court for coins and medals. He has almost 40 years of experience in the field of numismatics.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Stoyanka Dimitrova (Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) studied ancient and Thracian history at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and received PhD degree in Institute of Thracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Her research interests focus on Northern Thrace during the Hellenistic age and the early Roman period. Using written (including epigraphic), archaeological and numismatic data, she applies an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the demography, political, social, economic, and cultural development of the region.
Dr. Florian Haymann (Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt) is a numismatist, cataloguer and auctioneer. In Germany, he is a sworn expert in court for ancient coins.
Hristina Ivanova-Anaplioti, PhD (University of Zurich, Institute for Archaeology / Humboldt University, Berlin) is an assistant at the Classical Archaeology Division at the University of Zurich. She specializes in ancient Greek Numismatics with a focus on Thracian mints through her dissertation about Apollonia Pontica, as well as other research on the coinage synthesis in the archaeological sites of Kalapodi and Samos and coin circulation in the same areas. Additional interests include the containment of numismatic and exchange media in ancient sanctuaries and the data acquired by it in various fields of research.
Dr. Karsten Tolle (Big Data Lab, University Frankfurt/M.) is a computer scientist with roots in databases and the semantic web. He is currently the director of the Big Data Lab at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. For over ten years, he is working in the domain of ancient coins, working on data integration and data quality issues. Starting from about 2010, he is also a member of the steering committee of Nomisma.org.
Dr. Domenic Städtler (German Archaeological Institute, Frankfurt/M.) studied Ancient History in Bamberg, where he received his master degree in 2016, and subsequently studied neighbouring disciplines of Ancient History, such as numismatics, in Cologne. His numismatic interests concentrate on the coinage of the imperial period. He is writing his PhD thesis on coins and monuments of/for Severus Alexander.
Sasha Agins holds a Bachelor of Arts in Classical and Near-Eastern Archaeology from Bryn Mawr College and a Master of Arts in Classical Archaeology from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. From 2019–2022, she was a member of the Corpus Nummorum team. She currently works as a freelance translator and proofreader specializing in archaeological publications.
Dr. Nikolai Dimitrov (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) is a PhD student in archaeology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. His research interests include the Roman period and the numismatics of Late Antiquity. His dissertation is dedicated to the religious life in the ancient cities of Serdica and Pautalia during the 1st – 4th centuries.
Manuel Gozalbes (Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia) has been a museum curator since 2003 and his research career has focused mainly on ancient coins of the Iberian Peninsula. He also has a long experience with databases, especially for the management of archaeological and numismatic collections and their online publication. He is the editor of the monedaiberica.org project.
Dr. Lily Grozdanova (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Ancient History and Thracian Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”. Her main research interests are in the field of digital numismatics and humanities. Her research is in the field of Roman provincial coinage and the development of the Roman Empire during the period of the “military emperors”.