29.05.2024, 13-14.30 CEST (Berlin) / 14.00 -15.30 EEST (Sofia)
Hybrid: Zoom https://shorturl.at/lIKT9
Meeting ID: 850 8237 4902 Passcode: 923756
Auditorium 23, Rectorate, South wing,
SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”
The necessity for handling numerical data in numismatics has increased rapidly in the past twenty years. The introduction of modern measurement techniques and computers has generated vast amounts of such data, which require a sound understanding of the quality and evaluation of this information.
The webinar will discuss the numbers, their digits, and their validity for the daily work. Statistics will be reviewed, and their shortcomings and possibilities will be presented. The principle, hardware and data characteristics of modern experimental techniques, such as the measurement of the electrical conductivity and the XRF-Analysis, will be explained. Finally, the biological and mathematical background of artificial intelligence will be discussed, as well as its shortcomings and then, by all means, promising potential for use in numismatic research.